To determine if you need a comprehensive educational and psychological evaluation ask yourself the following questions:
Do you have difficulty completing classroom tests and finals on time?
Do you have difficulty taking notes during class?
Are you planning to take the GRE or LSAT exam and believe you require extended time?
Are you unsure of what career to consider?
If your answer to any of these questions was yes, you should consider having a comprehensive educational and psychological evaluation.
Career Counseling
At Westchester Psychological Testing Center we also offer career counseling. This includes a clinical interview as well as a career assessment test to determine the specific skills and personality variables that are relevant to specific jobs. It will help individuals identify what specific jobs they are interested in and will succeed at. It will also help to identify personal goals necessary for success.
Career counseling can be utilized for students entering college as well as for individuals who are entering the work force or considering a change in employment.